Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cows Tongue and fake $5 bills

Apparently it's been a couple months since I added any updates. I guess it's true that time seems to fly by. I have now been in Fort Collins for three months. In December I started working for Walmart as a cashier and feel extremely blessed to have a perfect part time job in our current economy that allows me time to work on my classes and fundraising. This also comes with finding fake $5 bills and selling cow's tongue. Never a dull day at work:)

I continue to plug away at the last set of classes I need to complete before I head overseas. I have about 12 assignments to finish including a book to go through with a mentor. God has blessed me with a wonderful mentor who is a source of encouragement and inspiration as a I grow and learn during this time. I continue to feel that this time and period in my life is lonely at times but I know that I am being prepared for what is ahead. I am starting to really focus on finishing my support raising which is in what I like to call "phase 2". God has promised to be faithful and take care of me but this also means that I need to give 100% in following Him and also in seeking funding for my new ministry. I continue to seek new contacts and churches in the Fort Collins area. Each day I strive to remain focused on my goal and productive and wise in how I spend my time.

I am feeling a little more settled in Fort Collins. Thursday mornings I have started to volunteer at Everyday Joe's a local coffee shop run by a church. I am enjoying learning about coffee and meeting new people. www.everydayjoes.org. I have also found a church which has been such a blessing. I had a chance to sit down and have coffee with the pastor a few weeks ago and love his vision for the church and the approach to ministry the church is taking. http://www.theroadfc.org

1 comment:

slimsdotter said...

Cow tongue is good! Cooked in a crock pot and sliced before the kids get a chance to see what it is, it is tender roast beef :-)

Inquiring minds want to know, how do you ID a bad bill?

Anne Brickman in Wy